Into the wild
A few words about me, and what this is all about…
I’m a meat eater, through and through. I mean, I love meat. It was an essential element of my diet for four decades. Now, I’m vegan. Some of my early posts explain why I changed, and this blog as a whole is a journal of how well – or poorly – I have managed.
But why write about it?
Primarily, because almost everyone I know says the same thing: “I just couldn’t be a vegan. I JUST COULDN’T, you know?” Well, yes actually, I do know. Because that was me only a few years ago – absolutely resolute in my belief that veganism was just not possible.
But – and I really apologise for the trite cliché – if I can do it, anyone can.
What is often the case with vegans, is the preaching. That too is a bit of a cliché, but it does happen. What I want to do with this blog, is not show that eating meat is bad, but that not eating meat can be good! If a dyed-in-the-wool carnivore like myself can survive in the vegan wilderness, I think I am obliged to aid others to do the same.
If that’s you, then I hope this helps.